ESXi Host Versions – PowerCli
Okay, so I would admit that I’m not the best with PowerCli but recently we had a request to produce a list of all of the ESXi hosts we have on a vCenter along with their Version and build number.
Now this can be done easily on an individual basis by logging onto each host and running the command:
vmware -vl
This will produce a result similar to below:
Unfortunately performing this command on a number of hosts could be time consuming. I therefore went ahead and produced the following PowerCli script that would collect it for a number of hosts on a vCenter… as previously explained, there may be a better way to perform this in PowerCli but this solution worked for me:
Connect-VIServer -Server vCenterName $style = "<style>BODY{font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;}" $style = $style + "TABLE{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}" $style = $style + "TH{border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 5px; }" $style = $style + "TD{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; }" $style = $style + "</style>" $smtpServer = "smtpservername" $smtpFrom = "VMware Build Versions <senderemailaddress>" $smtpTo = "destinationemailaddress" $messageSubject = "VMware Build Versions - $(Get-Date)" $message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $smtpfrom, $smtpto $message.Subject = $messageSubject $message.IsBodyHTML = $true $dts = @( get-view -ViewType HostSystem -Property Name, Config.Product | select Name,@{ expression={$_.Config.Product.Version}; label='Version' },@{ expression={$_.Config.Product.Build}; label='Build Number' } ) $message.Body = $dts | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $style $smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer) $smtp.Send($message)
This should produce an email with a table similar to below: