Congratulations All 2018 vExperts – List of vExperts Now Live (BAW10)
Firstly, congratulations to all of the vExperts who have been recognised for another year or even, for some, their first year.
Once again I have also received this recognition and hope to continue to provide more articles and posts to assist people and provide information over the coming year. This actually marks my fifth year of being accepted as a vExpert.
Although there has been a delay in the announcement of the vExperts this year, this is still such a useful program and helps to develop and share knowledge and information that is so relevant to users around the world.
The full vExpert announcement is available here:
and the full list of vExperts is now live here:
Blog-a-Week 2018 Posting (BAW):
In previous years, I have had periods throughout the year where I have been unable to post an entry to my blog. During 2018, my aim is to post a blog entry each week of the year. I’m hoping that the blog entries will all be useful bits of information or items that I’ve been working on recently but if the standard of the entries drops, I apologise now, as this could have been a busy week and I wasn’t able to put in as much time as I would have liked into the post