vSphere 5.5 Improvements – Links

So, if you are like me and have been looking over the web since the announcement of the new features in vSphere 5.5, you’ll notice that there are lots of different bloggers telling you what the new features are. Instead of me going around and offering the same information, but in my own way (how many ways can people describe […]

Adding Multiple vCenters onto a single Web Client (v5.1 & v5.5)

  I was listening to the new features being released as part of vSphere 5.5 and also vCenter 5.5, and the idea that all of the components of vCenter should once again be installed on a single server and that the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) has been reworked to support more hosts and virtual machines.  This indicates to me that the […]

VMworld 2013 US General Sessions

I thought that this would be a good opportunity to link through to the VMworld 2013 US General Sessions from VMworld TV on YouTube. Day 1 – General Session – Monday 26th August 2013 http://youtu.be/ttQLrytT7xU Day 2 – General Session – Tuesday 27th August 2013 http://youtu.be/uimcBqGVp4U

vSphere 5.5 & vCloud Suite 5.5

So just listening to the announcements at the first key note of VMWorld 2013 in San Francisco. The first big announcement is the release of vSphere 5.5 and also vCloud Suite 5.5. New items include the fact that VMDK disk sizes can now be up to 64TB in size (well actually just less than 64TB) which brings it in line […]

Veeam v7 Released – License Edition Comparison

So Veeam Backup and Replication v7 has now been released… unfortunately (as usually happens) the release occurred whilst I was on holiday and since getting back to work I haven’t had a chance to test the new product out. What I thought would be useful though, was to link to the Veeam web page that shows the comparison between the […]

VMware Now

As you maybe aware, next week sees the start of VMWorld 2013 in San Francisco. VMware will also be launching their new products live using their VMware NOW Live Launch Event.  You can register for the event using the following link: https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=registration.jsp&eventid=666471&sessionid=1&key=6B956A18610ED4B9B1D1F36C8AE7250F&sourcepage=register Here is also a countdown to the event: [purehtml id=1]

VMworld US 2013 Predictions!!!

We’ve now gone screaming into August and VMworld US is just around the corner.  Although I’m not attending VMworld US this year – need to work on my funding for US, I will be attending the Europe VMworld later in the year. VMWorld US has always been the place where all of the most important announcements have been made, with […]